考?不考?最近溫哥華的教育新聞在炒一件事到底要不要讓小學四年級和七年級生考基礎能力測驗(Foundation Skills Assesment)教育部說明年二月就要考卑詩教師會(BCTF)說抵死不從, 不監考, 不房地產改考券除非用抽樣檢測 家長會(PAC)當然希望考,因為這樣可以多了解小孩在校的表現 溫哥華學校局夾在中間, 希望雙方能坐下來談出共識不然明年怎麼辦呢? 看起來, 溫哥華跟台灣教育界也蠻像辦公室出租的嘛!不過, 台灣的小學老師聽話順從多了,四六年級能力檢測:國語數學英文三科行之有年了吧!這裡的老師, 很老大喔!下面文章摘自溫哥華太陽報The new Vancouver board of education voted 酒店經紀last night to hold a special meeting Jan. 7 to discuss the Foundation Skills Assessment (FSA) and the planned BCTF boycott.Board chair Patti Bacchus said the board will be 澎湖民宿looking for input from stakeholders, such as employee groups and the district parent advisory council. Following the meeting, the board will decide whether it should take 信用貸款action. Bacchus recalled that one of her predecessors, Adrienne Montani, sent a letter to parents several years ago advising them how to withdraw their students from the 澎湖民宿tests. "That may be something that we can consider," Bacchus said. "I don't know at this point because we haven't had those discussions.While some individual 租屋網trustees have expressed reservations about the FSA, the board has yet to take an official position. "We recognize that it's a pretty contentious issue . . . and we feel 酒店經紀we have an obligation to take a leadership role in that discussion," she said.The board also agreed to write to Education Minister Shirley Bond and BCTF president Irene 租屋Lanzinger urging them to take immediate action to resolve the dispute. 

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